

For Applicants
In today’s rapidly changing world of work, soft skills are becoming increasingly important. While technical skills and specialized knowledge are still crucial, it is often the so-called soft skills that make the difference between a good and an excellent employee. For companies like Persowerk that focus on the placement and development of talent, understanding and...
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Digitalization has changed almost all areas of our lives in recent decades and has had a particularly strong impact on the world of work. While new technologies and automation offer many opportunities, they also bring challenges – especially for certain occupational groups. Some traditional professions are on the brink of extinction or are undergoing profound...
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In an increasingly ageing society, the importance of older employees is coming more and more into focus. While older employees used to be seen as less flexible or less tech-savvy, the picture has changed in recent years. Companies are increasingly recognizing the inestimable value that experienced employees over 50 bring to the workforce. But how...
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Temporary work, also known as agency work, has become increasingly important in recent years. It offers companies the opportunity to react flexibly to staffing requirements and employees a chance to enter the job market quickly and easily. However, one prejudice persists: the allegedly poor pay in temporary work. But does this actually correspond to reality,...
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In today’s fast-paced working world, job changes are no longer a rarity. While previous generations often spent their entire working life with a single employer, employees nowadays change jobs more frequently in search of new challenges, further development or a better work-life balance. But when is the right time to make a change? In this...
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In 2024, SMEs will face new challenges in the area of recruiting. The labor market is changing rapidly and companies must adapt to attract and retain the best talent. This article explains the concept of recruiting and its trends and reveals 10 groundbreaking recruiting trends that will shape the SME sector in 2024. What is...
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The transition from studying to working life is a decisive turning point. While thetheoretical knowledge, the challenge is to apply it in practice and establish yourselfand to establish yourself in professional life. Our article offers practicaltips on how to start your career with confidence and position yourself in your new environmentposition yourself confidently in your...
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In today’s dynamic and constantly changing world of work, temporary work is playing an increasingly important role. For many companies and employees, it offers both opportunities and challenges. In this article, we take a detailed look at the key aspects of temporary work to gain a sound understanding of its role and impact. What is...
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In today’s work environment, flexible work schedules are becoming increasingly important. Both companies and employees are recognizing the benefits of personalized working hours, which can not only improve work-life balance but also enhance productivity and job satisfaction. In this article, we will explore various examples of flexible work schedules and highlight how they offer numerous...
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Employees who feel good at work are not only more productive, but also more satisfied and loyal to their employer.In this article, we explore the different aspects of wellbeing in the workplace and how organizations can create a positive work environment that promotes employee wellbeing. Definition of well-being Well-being at work refers to the state...
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